
Cantankerous Cats

Created by Al & Elise at Mentha Designs

A ferocious feline card game filled with cunning, mischief, and schadenfreude for 2-6 Hoomins!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping Update & KS Edition Details
over 7 years ago – Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 12:00:41 AM

Greetings, Hoomins!

We've been toiling away while we wait for our shipment to arrive at our storage facility in Glendale. Currently, our shipment is being processed at the Port of Los Angeles in Long Beach and should be arriving at our doors any day now.

That being said, we have been waiting on pins and needles to show you this next image...

The Cantankerous Cats KS Edition
The Cantankerous Cats KS Edition

 The Cantankerous Cats Kickstarter Edition is finally complete! We will begin shipping out orders tomorrow and they should begin arriving to our Tribute, Artist, and Portrait Edition backers sometime next week. Our standard KS Edition Backers will be shipped as soon as we have our freight order in our hands.

Outside of waiting for our shipment, there are a few items we REALLY wanted to get done because we think they will bring a smile to all of your faces:

Lord Purrcival's Catnip Grey*

Catnip Grey (tentative name) is a smooth Earl Grey laced with catnip, orange peels, and rose hips.
Catnip Grey (tentative name) is a smooth Earl Grey laced with catnip, orange peels, and rose hips.

 We really wanted to make our KS Edition special in lieu of hitting our stretch goals, so we called up good ol' St. Bastian from the Labyrinth Masquerade and whipped up this surprise! This special tea is a smooth, luxurious blend of Earl Grey, rose hips, orange peel, and 30% catnip. Each hand blended bag makes a soothing cup of tea fit for Hoomin AND Cat consumption.

You may not want to open your package near your feline friends...
You may not want to open your package near your feline friends...

Since this tea is classified as a food product, we must unfortunately limit this surprise to our US Backers. Food and Drug regulations are even more complicated than dry goods and we do not want to risk any penalties or lost goods for our International Backers.

However, we are also including another fun surprise that isn't bound to these regulations...

Kickstarter Exclusives

Share your delight with our Kickstarter Exclusive Buttons!
Share your delight with our Kickstarter Exclusive Buttons!

 Each backer will receive TWO of these adorable pin back buttons. These are in addition to our previously announced KS Exclusive: The Sir Phoenix player card previously available only at the Labyrinth Masquerade Ball.

The final "Sir Phoenix" card. Domestic side shown.
The final "Sir Phoenix" card. Domestic side shown.

 You can use this version of Phoenix instead of his standard portrait to add a bit of fantasy flare to your game of Cantankerous Cats. Both of these items will ONLY be offered to our backer community and Labyrinth patrons. We only printed 700 of each badge and 1,000 Sir Phoenix cards, so when they are gone they will disappear for good.

The finished "Thank You" card for all KS Backers
The finished "Thank You" card for all KS Backers

We'd like to take this time to thank you all again for your support, patience, and understanding as we marched steadily to this time. I know we are a bit behind schedule, but I hope our little surprises will make the wait a bit more bearable.

We will keep you all updated as soon as we hear from the freight team. Until then, we will be working on getting our logistics polished so we can be ready to ship as soon as the truck reaches our door.

Al & Elise
The Hoomins behind Cantankerous Cats

Shipping News!
over 7 years ago – Thu, Jan 05, 2017 at 06:39:51 PM

Happy New Year, backers!

This last month has been full of surprises for us. As you may have noticed, we have not released "The Dog" expansion over the holidays, but that was for a few good reasons: 1.) I (Al) got a nasty stomach flue for the holidays and was out of commission for a little over a week. However, while I was sick a funny thing happened...

Office Cat inspects the advance shipment for defects.
Office Cat inspects the advance shipment for defects.

 This small batch of 75 games mysteriously showed up from AdMagic! This shipment is currently being packed for all Tribute, Artist, and Portrait Edition backers. The remainder of these games will be for close friends and family of the project. This includes the amazing cast and crew that helped us put together our promotional videos and the beta testers who have been with us since the ugly prototype days.

After this, we will begin packing and shipping any orders that have the Luminary Edition upgrade.

The remaining games are scheduled to be delivered to us on or around Jan 11. We are then going to move everything into our storage unit in Glendale before rolling up our sleeves and beginning the work of fulfillment for remaining backers. This process should start no later than February 1st. (This will give us time to take inventory, clear schedules, and make sure everything has arrived safely.)

BackerKit Orders

If you ordered on BackerKit: We will be winding down the BackerKit store on January 11. This involves charging the cards you have on file for the order you placed. To that effect, please make sure your card info and addresses are up to date before January 11th. On that day, we are going to lock all new orders and process payments on those cards. After Jan 11, we will not be taking any more orders for the game through BackerKit.


That wraps it up for our quick New Year update. Everyone is healthy again and we are going to work as quickly as we can to get our games out to all of you wonderful people. As always, if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us here on Kickstarter or directly to [email protected]

Thank you all for your support and patience. We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and wish you the best for 2017.
-Al and Elise
The Hoomins behind Cantankerous Cats

Milestone Update: Manufacturing Complete!!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Dec 07, 2016 at 06:37:34 PM

Greetings, Hoomins!

We have huge news today: AdMagic has completed the manufacturing for our game! We are now preparing to receive and ship your games! We took a lot of photos for you to see the final quality of the game you will be receiving:

All of the final components! Gorgeous print job by AdMagic.
All of the final components! Gorgeous print job by AdMagic.

 We have already shown the box to some of our local fans and supporters here in LA and everyone has been happy and impressed with the quality of the final product.

Elise holds out the Pounce Tokens for a closer look.
Elise holds out the Pounce Tokens for a closer look.


Adding the color to the Cat Tokens was a last minute change, but well worth it.
Adding the color to the Cat Tokens was a last minute change, but well worth it.


The deck is the best its ever looked after a proper offset printing treatment.
The deck is the best its ever looked after a proper offset printing treatment.

 Next Steps & Timelines

We are currently figuring out the exact logistics for storage and shipping now that the printing is complete. We have to figure out the exact size of pallets, cartons, and every configuration the shipment will take on its way to Los Angeles so we can figure out the sizes of trucks, rooms, and staff we will require for fulfillment.

While we already have funds set aside for this, knowing the exact proportions of containers is critical. Thankfully, our game is incredibly small even among games of its type, so this phase shouldn't be a huge burden.

While we still don't believe we will be able to ship by the end of the year, the end of January or February is looking to be the likely window for Kickstarter fulfillment. This will give us enough time to get our staff together, clear schedules, and make sure fulfillment is done correctly instead of possibly missing something critical by rushing it out for the holidays.

A close up shot of a game in progress.
A close up shot of a game in progress.

 Kickstarter Exclusives

We've completed most of the goodies for backers. The only thing not pictured here is the letterpress Thank You card.

The Postcard Pack and special "Sir Phoenix" player card.
The Postcard Pack and special "Sir Phoenix" player card.

Now that we have the final product, we are going to get quotes for ONE more thing we would like to squeeze into into your Kickstarter Editions.


We'd like to thank each and every one of your for backing our little project and helping us chase our dreams of game design. We have been working on this for over three years and I get choked up every time I hold the first box in my hands.

This has been a humbling and wonderful journey and in a very real way we could not have achieved this without each and every backer for our project. If we continue to succeed, I hope that we can find small ways to continue giving back to this wonderful group of strangers and friends who thought we were worth the risk.

There is still much to do, but nevertheless I want to say thank you and we look forward to getting these into your hands s soon as possible.

-Al Gonzalez III
Alpha Hoomin of Cantankerous Cats


Al unboxing the Prototype for Cantankerous Cats!
Al unboxing the Prototype for Cantankerous Cats!


Post Halloween Update: Shipping Estimates, Lock In's, Print & Play
over 7 years ago – Tue, Nov 01, 2016 at 06:47:16 PM

Greetings, Hoomins!

We hope all of you had a wonderful and safe Halloween weekend. We personally had a blast with our friends at Wise Guys Events over at the Heritage Square Museum. (the location we shot our exterior clips for the Cantankerous Cats videos!)

Happy Halloween! =3
Happy Halloween! =3

 In game oriented news, we have some more news for production and backer only treats we are planning for the holidays. First, we will get the rough stuff out of the way.

Production, Shipping, & Backerkit

Our art files have all been submitted to AdMagic and all of their proofs to us have been approved! The only thing to do now is wait for the game to be produced and shipped to us here in Los Angeles. We are also going to start the process of fabricating all of the Luminary Edition boxes near the end of this month.

Unfortunately, due to all of the delays we have experienced it seems we will not be shipping our games to you until late January to February of 2017. I would like to extend my personal apologies again for the delays, but we DO have a plan cooking for the holidays.

Lastly, we have already locked in our Kickstarter backers through Backerkit. We will now lock in ALL Backerkit orders tomorrow, November 2 at 12:00PM Pacific Time. If you pre-ordered our game on Backerkit, please check your orders one final time before we charge your cards tomorrow afternoon.

Now that is over with, we have some surprises in store for you!

Day of the Dog

The first gift we will offer for our backers is the early alpha for the Dog expansion! We plan to release a Backer Only link to a PDF that can fold into the existing Print and Play Edition of Cantankerous Cats. "Day of the Dog" is looking to be a nine card expansion that includes the following items:

  • "The Dog" player card. (Domestic and Stray sides)
  • TWO "Hoomin" Cards (gives The Dog their win condition and House size)
  • SIX new Food Bowl cards.
  • Rule sheet

"Day of the Dog" is provided as an early peek and is likely still highly unbalanced. As such, it is intended to be played by advanced Cantankerous Cats players. 

This will be a great way for you folks to see what we have in mind for the future of the game and leave us valuable feedback as we finish developing this content. Keep an eye out for a Backers Only link later in the month after we conduct a few test sessions.

We have a few more things we'd like to do to help make up for the delay, but we will keep a lid on those plans until we know they are ready.

"The Dog" will be a holiday treat for Kickstarter Backers.
"The Dog" will be a holiday treat for Kickstarter Backers.

Thank you all again for your patience and support on this journey. As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on Kickstarter via private message.

-Al Gonzalez
Project Director Hoomin

Happy Meowloween!
over 7 years ago – Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 11:19:38 PM

Pumpkin Spiced NO.
Pumpkin Spiced NO.

 Greetings, Hoomins!

It is time for our favorite holiday of the year: Halloween! We just received our second set of digital proofs and approved them for press. As we await details on the exact timeline for production, we thought it would be a great time to open up pre-orders for the Retail Edition of the game for a limited time!

The Retail Edition of Cantankerous Cats will not come with any of the Kickstarter goodies we are packing for our backers, but will be the same game you have come to know and love. The price for the Retail Edition will be $20USD + Shipping. ($5 for US, $25 for International)

This limited window is intended mainly for US backers, but we will ship international as we did with the KS Edition. I will do my best to answer a few questions I know will pop up below:

Why offer the Retail Edition now?
We want to do something special for Halloween and provide a way for folks who did not reach us in time for the campaign to get their hands on the game in time for the holiday season. 

What is the difference between the KS and Retail Editions?The Retail Edition will NOT come with any KS Exclusive content. This includes the following: Postcard Pack, Letter Press Print, Sir Phoenix Promo Card, or any other bits of swag and goodies we manage to pack into the KS editions before shipping.

Can I add a Retail Edition to my KS order?Absolutely!

Can I order multiple Retail Editions?
Yes! But you will have to pay a new shipping cost for each item.

Why do I have to pay double shipping for more than one game?
That is a limitation of the BackerKit system. It is great at handling single items, but it does not have a smart shipping calculator to give discounts for multiple items in one order.

That about does it for this update on Cantankerous Cats. We will begin locking down orders TODAY, so please make sure your information is up to date in your backer survey.

As always, if you have any questions feel free to let us know via e-mail or private messages on Kickstarter. We hope you all have a wonderful and safe Halloween weekend!

Al, Elise, and all of the Hoomins at Cantankerous Cats